FULL OF STARS – A Science Fiction Romance Novel by Eve Paludan

A brilliant sci-fi thriller and romance captures the imagination of the likes of Mars travelers. The novel, FULL OF STARS, out-performs most science fiction stories. Because of Eve Paludan’s enormous capacity to imagine the impossible, the impossible becomes her reality. Get ready for entertainment because this is a page turner.


In this unusual space travel novel, Ms. Paludan stirs-up space pirates, space stations, and shapeshifters. It can be confusing to keep track of travel from a safe-zone to develop a colony of complicated life that includes clones of humans, and a variety of other living creatures.


Included are some battles. Readers will experience an attack by a warship of Earth Patrol Droides. Warriors save an entire population who have been held prisoners on a spaceship with battle stations that are engaged to destroy them. Dialogue will stir-up excitement and fear in the hearts of the readers. To be sure, there are moments of anticipation, near death experiences, and adventures.


Many scenes and people encountered in this story are fearful, fearless, brave beyond comprehension, and totally involved in the lives of one another. Science fiction in this story follows an energetic reality of people everywhere. It begins on earth and travels to the stars in outer space.


FULL OF STARS is loaded with suspense and visualization from beginning to end. It is so intriguing that readers might wonder if travel to outer space can, really, become a reality.


Recommending this novel by Eve Paludan: FULL OF STARS – A Science Fiction Romance Novel that is written in the spirit that good people exist everywhere.

FULL OF STARS A Science Fiction Romance Novel by [Paludan, Eve]